Uploading audio is the most critical element to any successful match made on BandMix.

To upload audio login to BandMix, select ‘Music’ from the list of options in the navigation near the top of the dashboard. 

There are two methods for uploading music, direct upload, and via SoundCloud. 

To upload directly to BandMix, first, make sure audio tracks are in MP3 or M4A format with a max file size of 10mb.  Next, login and select ‘Music’ from the list of options in the navigation near the top of the dashboard. From the next page, select ‘Upload music’ and choose the audio file from your device. Once the audio track is chosen, options to enter the title, track number, year, album, genre, or comments pertaining to that song. It is not mandatory to enter all the mentioned information.  Once you enter the information, select ‘Upload.’ 

Members may also upload audio files to BandMix via Soundcloud ID number. The ID can be found in the Soundcloud URL (www.soundcloud.com/your-id-here). Select Soundcloud, then enter the Soundcloud user id#. Select save.